Jasmine Series
No. 65 - 127
65. Illusive Dreams
Illusion borne in shadowed thought
that fails to see unspoken chains
This the foil time has wrought
that grieves the soul and life detains.
Soul made future born with thought
sustains the avenues of hope
Retains the mannered place of scope
that honored quest where time delopes.
Untouched crystal, perfect dream
unrelenting place unseen.
66. In timed triste, reproved by sore bent thought
I glanced on summoned summits that defined
The heart and soul of one whose mind has caught
The elements, eclected course, of abled mind.
In versed metronome of echoed threads
That weave the unelected in one whole
I trysted with the void and scarce had read
When summoned will lead on to other goals
So jasmined moments hung with traced scents
Confirmed the Self; becoming out of time
And Jasmined thoughts reproved the mannered bent
Confirming harrowed winnowings of mind.
From ravened, fluid, words of lighted day
I saw the source and read what you'd to say.
67.Come Suckle, Taste and Know
In tongued thought that leaves no time for savor
The voice untried gives raptured chords to time
As this beguiled moment yields its elements of flavor
I lean my head to hear the heart that beats with mine.
Metronome of joyous joining
That limits course of life to raptured touch
This, the one sure unity employing
That lends the fervored breath to endless lust.
Minds touched first, surprised in finding
Fingers followed to employ their velvet greeds
As each moment spent consented to the binding
Finding in the other all unknown needs.
Perfect moments breathed and savored, owned and bound
That Nevered voids might be turned away unfound.
Addendum to Song of Tongues
What made us human, joined in lost remembrance?
From Time raveled acts which bore our ciphered souls?
Eyes that locked in Love compelled to grow
Minds that knew that Love had much to sow.
Hello again. I wrote this. The woman holding child is the original sacred mother, the Sophia who lives always as the kernelled, source and soul of humanity.
69.Changing Time - Seneca Falls Revisited
Time's fabric, woven act by act
consumes the emptied course of years
The weaver's work that chooses facts
must also choose to own her fears.
For structured worlds devolve and blend
while despots take our fragile hopes
Elected despots, this age's kin
Eat our substance and our scope.
Structures cage, revoke our lives
Consume the grace of forward thought
Transmute the world for which we strive
While justifying the pain they've wrought
But structures bear no living grudge
Refuse to ratify - and shrug.
70. Forget Not Yet
From momentary thought, enfolded time
We weave the veil of truth that future holds
And giving echoed thought, the most sublime
We grieve for what is found and lost in goals
For goals put stops as limits come
subsuming limitations, human minds
These soul-bent elements that beat the drum
Of primitive remembrance lost in time
For Truth, unchanging destiny remakes
The thought that lightens burdens taken on
Reflects the hardened edges that me make
as theologic destiny undone
So reject the structured places you assume
These hardened edges bring only doom.
71. That Truth Will Set You Free
The cringing fear that dark consumes
in savaged need to hide your acts
This, the harbored place removed
from Light embracing ugly facts.
Your fear
That honored truth might touch, reveal,
rip disguises from the soul
Widen eyes that loved, revered
The unearned credit that made you whole.
The fear
The Light that cripples, distorts, then sneering, defines
sequestered thoughts that map your soul
This, the fearsome monsters finds
the realest you with all its holes.
Your fear.
Unholy warts that steal and rend
unremitting, aching, nevered sights
This the Hell where nothing mends
the fear that falsity incites.
Your fear
That life not lived in honored light
Condemns your soul to endless night.
For breath comes short as sweating takes
The untrue life that shadows make.
72.Toxic Mind - Dedicated to Craig Franklin
Toxic mind with muted scope
consuming, clawing, gravid needs
Poison drips, extrudes and seeks
to satiate its unmet greeds
Blandished words that supplicate
Distorted images that incite
This, the fabric of the soul
This, that mind's most needed goal.
Manipulating all that's true
into what he wants to do.
Fractured visions that can kill
when innocence believes them real.
No honored word alive in fact
No civil content to his acts.
No worth from life to live in time
No soul redeemed from all its crimes.
Post the warning for all to read
Do not let this monster feed.
Truth that Brings Us Freedom
Truth distorted is not lost
its force, long hidden, consumed in time
Truth, the carrier of human mind
is the structured soul of all divine.
Unrelenting, unconcealing
caught through mists of fearful crimes
Is the fortress of the freedom
that gives life to Man's designs.
Every breath long taken,
visions of untrammeled hope
This, the spirit now wakens
to the whole of human scope.
The soul awake to sight of these
cannot lose its honored life
For couraged Will shall win through grief
and multiply its joy from strife.
Truth & Freedom
Two sides of one much larger thing
Necessitated by unspoken rules
One majesty of cherished wings
That can't be lost to craven fools.
Truth & Freedom
I listen to the taste is truth
I bathe my soul in ravaged dreams
To know the sight of truths design
Will sustain them both in me.
And knowing this I can survive
To live my days despite their lies.
74. Sullied Souls
Sullied by their self-named greeds
Residing only in their needs
Raddled fingers pry at flesh
Even while their hopes taste death
Souls that fluxed and flickering ate
The sorry days that are their fate.
Hungered, needing, shells of Man
The detritus that never can.
Touch or love in honored tones
Their fate will leave them each - alone.
Grasping, pleading, starving minds
That unabled are still inclined.
These the frightened souls who scheme
To own the truth of someone’s dream.
These the empty toothless bones
That dead, still take what they can't own.
Sullied souls, extinguished lights
Abandoned to the endless night.
75. Redemption
When shame refutes unhallowed lusts
And burns with searing coals of pain
When regretting tears dry down to dust
And fear's dim echoes also wane.
The soul turns back to learn life's truth
Reflected lessons edged in defeat
It feels the birthing pains unloosed
That fill the traumaed heart with need
A finding of unsummoned hope
that cleanses, eases, breath renews
To put away the fractured notes
That tore and maimed the former you.
Given from unmeasured voids
That plumb the depths of disbelief
This, circumferenced joy employs
The challenged fears that cause all grief.
When given, taken, reforged and true
The only untold part is you.
I Am Love, Am I.
Strength enfolding tenderness
honored summing of all bliss
Raptures, longing, blending thought
lingered touches not forgot.
Still small moments in each day
when such ecstatic find their play
Languid longings, surely filled
when touch of eyes finds hungers stilled.
Breath that harbors thought's caress
while mind reflects and knows its blessed
Skin borne sensations tingle, course
while the least removal brings remorse.
Love keeps and pleases, changes life
Even as it cancels strife.
Love, illusion that betrays
the reasoned hopes of all our days.
Unsettled Thoughts
Restless days devoid of eyes
that speak of kindled loves delights
Empty nights of lonely sighs
remander hope, extinguish light.
Hungry arms and lips that grieve
for murmured moments cupped in dark
This the profit crimes will leave
to lying tongues who leave their marks.
Restless thoughts that shudder, twist
divide all time between one breath
Stone hard the barriered stand of mist
that know the force of savaged death.
Lonely moments strung through time
Dividing you from all that's kind.
78. Timid Eyes that Ask for Measured Dreams
Windowed view of fragile dreams my mind subscribes to errant schemes.
That promise measured avenues
From all the lesser kinds we gleaned
Eyes that glance, evade, avoid, flicker when the light grows hot
These the magnitudes of discourse
From which all conclusions must be wrought.
Briefed opinions raise the tide of cultures coiling out through time
From solemn courtrooms frigid locks
Distort the flow of needs in minds.
Winds that pour and warp the stones remind us of the riven sands
Form remanded into form reshapes the world
Finding what our minds command.
Souled self that lives in coddled light removes the elements of speech
Selecting from all banished worlds
A time elected, though it be brief.
Escape from life and flee from thought
By such action you are - Not.
79. Song of Wounding
From fractured thoughts of sylvan goals and mannered possibilities
Uncivil Huns, contempt unfurled, claw and rape a world undone.
Abandoned child of light must die
And never know the reason why.
This, the future, imaged, made
By those who chose to take and take.
Wealth is transferred to those who steal
By acts of fraud that cannot heal.
Acts distort, unhinge the Earth
Inciting greeds that drain our worth.
Do acts of self create the right
To steal from those who trust in light?
Do those who steal believe that they
Will be able to not face the day
When enabled by the tools of mind
The blind will see through their design?
They cringe because they know that time
Encroaches now, though lost to signs.
They will grow cold as grave spent dust
For Justice will not feed their lusts.
80. When Truth is Also Falsity
The truth reminds us life is short
Limits set without reprieve.
Are also blessings which anoint
And let our minds find mysteries.
Truth, which limits what is known
Truth, which tells the source we see
Truth, which effervesces to rejoice
Truth, the only thing that makes us free.
But Truth does not extend our sight
To places which, unknown, still are in Light.
81. Arch of Consciousness
Arch of Consciousness, blade of thought
circumscribes the varied souls of human toil
Born from unseen past; writ large in present sought
while always Time continues, set in constant boil
Arch of Consciousness, the minuet of needful weaving
Slow becoming larger than the eyes of Man
This patterned promise in the making of believing
Catching flows and eddies of the almost banned.
Arching over, in and through the works and mind
Subsuming each, compounding, integrating whole
Speaking silent promises which show all is one kind
Bare tendril of the future, which alive, becomes the goal.
Arch of Consciousness in breath and light
Arch of Consciousness in death and night.
82. The Muse
Speech from folds of mind unplumbed
The Unbeginning

That ended long ago.
Musing thoughts that magnify, deploy and sum
Assembling the bytes of beautied truth
By redefining tendriled elements oncoming.
Touching on the birthing days of future structures
The Muse reminds the unseen times that ended long ago.
That the forward fearsome destiny might rupture.
Muse of dance and words
That lingers in the moment of a thought
Muse of effervescent images untaught
The barest edge of intimation yet unheard
In silence coming
The Muse internal
To the chamber of your summing.
83. Eyes That Touch
From minds that bring the force of thought to light of day
Eyes evoke, in passaged glance, the fortress of delay.
Time's truce with truth combines the soul in savaged play
That danced on the cusp of time in storied ways.
Eyes Touch.
Most intimate of all caresses
Incite the forward moving needs it so expresses
Eyes Touch.
With laughter lingering in fond remembrance
That sear the site, delight of rare encumbrance.
Eyes Touch.
Scaling frozen monuments which cannot feel
The interrupted semblance of what is real.
84. Contempt
Cold thoughts that see what wasn't clear before.
Through glanced gaze that gave unmeasured credit

To well-wished hopes that such was true unfettered
Insight come from acts defining
A magnitude denies all wishful lying.
The only surge emotioned spirit lends
To those who, bankrupt spirit, honor rape.
Distort the shape of lives their greeds both need and take.
Cold thoughts condemn their actions and remake
The culture which removes and proves their fate.
85. Lying
Webbed deceiving, building blocks of mired believing.
Wish for what is not.
Build its tortured structure into true born thought.
An incubated swamp of suffered fear
That steals the breath from hope and ruptures mortal lives
with the constant unremitting needing, needing, needing

to shift the shape of acts and soul-sick mind
Into something with which Fate might deal, benign.
Lies steal the soul and ravage both the liar and the scope.
They distort the corners and the fields of simple lives
They undermine, defraud, and sneak in under blandished guise.
A life becomes a lie, high and low, its years long taking
The lie will kill the soul
And the lie is grief in making.
In the wake of lie-borne life
Victims shudder, fear, find strength in strife.
But liar takes the lie along
Recasting fate in jarring songs.
So when your lips pause in thought
Pursed with what to say
Think before your thoughts take air
Live truth with all your days.
86. No Privilege
Creating futures from our will
with acts defining living thought
Small or great the acts speak still
circumscribing all our souls have wrought.
Small and great the tolling sums
with no forgiveness or remorse
Mark our lives and make us numb
If we turn from honor's course.
Numb to beauty, dead to light
Extinguished spirit, source and goals
This, the long, long fall to night
that brings us death that is not old.
Privileged power flexes, takes
designs its greeds and feeds its maw
But such as these the light forsake
because the truth lives in finer laws.
Take without a thought of right.
Condemn your soul to unbottomed night.
87. Condemnation
The rise of love that ventures touch
to trace the light of skin warmed thought,
Bemuses moments never dreamed
and when bodies bind themselves, redeem.
Redeem the trusts of honored lives
trusting touches, pledged reprise
When such meet in velvet love
all time refutes; the years reprove
But when greeds hide within love's mask
the needs that feed will not long last
The very hunger which drives the lust
will spend itself to shriveled dust.
This, the fate of those who've tried
To quench their thirsts in other's lives
88. Musical Interlude
A sea of sound that coils, traces, pierces, owns
that lulls my fears and echoes in to where I am alone
Embrace of thought
reprised from someone else's mind

in slow surprise I taste the source,

vanquish idled memories, improve redoubts.
Interlude of consciousness that heightens hope
brief ecstatic mentioning that enclosing, swells my scope
In sound, from fractured chords of vaulted dreams
I vibrate with the savor of what mannered thought can mean.
89. Epochal Time
Metronome of time, compiled years of human life
In ages wrung from unwound suns

This momentary pause, unsung, begins and ends the cycles strife.
Epochs past, undone in sifting memories of dust.
Lives of feast and folly which, sublime, were born from lust.

Still create the culture living in human matrix made in trust.
In layered lives that beat and breathe
That pulse with passioned thought redeemed

From momentary visions that direct, contain and breed
The long becoming.
Earth lit and touched with sacred light
Divine design disguised in sight.
The long becoming,
Whispered trace of thought that binds our futures long and deep.
Held in form and space of thought;

minds intersect in faith and doubt

This the coiled pattern seen

When all our acts were not yet dreams.
90.The Press of Need
Compressed desire, tortured needs,
redefine each lonely hour
Unechoed space that fills with greeds
that, unfulfilled still grow with power.
Body aching, groin that throbs
mind grows hot with deeds undone
Untapped life suppressed as sobs
that unreleased still scorch like sun.
The mind that dreams of fondled nights
rekindles hopes that should be gone
For this long fast from all delight
is just a taste that will be long.
Needs to find in someone's eyes
eternal yeses that accept
The truth of self that cannot die
and in such sanctuary rest
Needs that immolate the soul
Leaving no place you can go.
Doing It.
Precious life, defined by acts
subsuming all within the tides
Of human course within the fact
that each of us will surely die.
Chaliced life of memoried thought
stage on which discourse is spoke
In this way is history wrought
thus will our future be evoked.
One by one we speak in acts
defining all within our scope
one by one we will react
limiting the breadth of hope.
Take in breath, fill deep your lungs
pause in time cacophonic course
Rethink the vision so begun
remake time by your own choice.
Extend the vision justice brings
Do right that future might redeem.
92. Policy of Justice
In the folds of futile follies, in the flesh of fevered souls
lives the fear of past tense crimes that refuse to die unowned.
In the magnitude of harbors which dwell in shattered lives
the truth of greed made ventures shines a light on the unknown.
In acts the greedy savaged, and in acts the deeds were done
but the night won't take their calumned shape, the truth must soon be known.
It's the Policy of Justice that defines the futured days
It's the Policy of Justice that unrelenting, is undismayed.
It's the Policy of Justice that grips the head of shame
And the wrenching of the hands of truth can kill what they don't maim.
For Justice is not gentle with the takers and the bold
For Justice unrelenting, is the agent all alone.
The Agent comes in shadows and in the startled light
the shining knight of Justice bearing truth with which to smite.
They whimper and they tremble and their bowels run and grip
but the hour of the reckoning will find them sure and quick.
And in the hour of that coming, in the minute that they know
then the hollow laugh of Justice pronounces Truth out sure and cold.
Sharp Pleasure
In sight of thought that bears the press
of light enhancing gentleness
In vision that has grace to dress
unfathomed source of tenderness.
Sharp Pleasures
Tasted, owned; that carry touch
to places that once kindled lust.
Winsome echoes, muted dust
that impinges on the edge of trust.
Sharp Pleasures
Born in hunger, breed in needs
hunger's savor bend and tease
Rabid for the not-quite-pressed
hungers embellish, mind can repress.
Sharp Pleasures
In human nature, born and formed
hungers flavor, instincts warm.
While reason, tool of folly's scorn
remits the mite that shall be born.
Sharp Pleasures
Human mind become a tool
To lusts that render reasoned fools.
94. Illusioned Life
When tempered time bespeaks the coming age
oppression must relieve your life's own wage
Harbored fantasies that live and breathe our fetid needs

filleted follies that remand and tease

Self-serving, untrue coying thoughts that freeze
The honored will when silence fills their deeds.
Illusioned lives that dance in seried chords
repeat the shadowed voice of yestered voids

and grieve with mannered tones the unreal coils.
Doubt cannot exhume your gravid toils
Reason cannot remove your emptied foils.
Because we made illusion into friend
Lives of beauty find only shattered ends.
95.Consort of Hate - Dedicated to Scott Franklin
Small lies that steal the truth, distort the world
your flag of battle pledged, dishonors life
Alive with hate consumed in greed.
This, the means and manner which must yield
in time to crystalled light of vouch saved shield.
Small lies and large
the poisoned words, sheer monotone of tongue

the source of self that leaves your truth undone
Hate the byword and the source
Hate the core of your sure course.
Lies evoking viciousness and greed
lies that plant your toxic touch unseen
Hate for all that's true and just
Hate that feeds upon your lusts.
Lies revoking honor breed dismay
lies that smolder, hidden and replayed.
A life of lies.

A life that, never should have found a start.
Hear this.
Hate exemplified and live

You feed in hate and so in hate will die.
The putrid touch of lies shall mark your days

the saccharine, cloying taste won't wash away.

defined by lies your soul will tarnish, pucker and distort

and disappointment and revulsion will be your spare resort.
Lies and hate
For by lies you made your life

and in lies your soul, never true, sincere of whole

will find the future blocked and cold

for by lies your soul is sold.
96. Corruption
In houred course of time made rule
a moment, unannounced, arrives
And all that's true creates renewal
and all that's false gives way and dies.
In karmic cant, the stream of time
rejects the greeds and lusts that steal
And complacency of ancient crimes
shatter on shoals of what is real.
For justice pulses, grows, remakes
the lives that honor told in acts
And lies that sought to shift and shape
The liars must now regret as facts.
Shame and edges of despair
refute the hands that gasped for air
For only truth lends strength's repair
and only justice sustains and cares.
Raddled hopes of greeds unearned
Die in soiled clothes grown old
For only time reminds and learns
And only pain transforms your soul.
The tainted taste of salt bred lies
Destroyed your hopes; revealed to die.
97. Life Remade
From falsity and hardened fears the grace of saving offers hope
For nothing kills the soul of light
And no one falls in endless night
Illumination finds our hole
When there's no other place to go.
No edge of irrationality
Lends our wishes a place to be.
In that graced moment we cringe and cry
And well we know the reason why.
Unadmitted to living friend
We know, and grieve illusions end
You cannot hide from what is true
No matter what you want to do.
And in that place of grace-made time
You'll have to pay for all your crimes.
That verity remains and grows:
And every tension tells you so.
In coin of pride, in gold and acts
We breathe deep, shed tears, release our fears
They scream redemption's new minted tongues
The Song of Souls who've heard truth sung.
Remake and healed our lifelong pacts
Become the stone and stuff of fact.
Because no other course remains
That give us life renewed and sane.
And because you know that Love forgives
The acts that shattered, stole, abridged
the truth of self that you denied
when first you gave yourself to lie.
Because you know, accept, regret
You also know you can elect
To rechoose, remake, resay and change
The years of life that still remain
And if you open your tear sore eyes
Love will be there to kiss them dry.
99.Unmade Dreams
From tendriled thoughts that curl and take
The course of life amends and comes
In fulsome pause and winnowed wake
It writes the truth, condemns and sums.
Unseen by eyes that dare to doubt.
Unheard from lips that fear to speak
The future, place of sure redoubt
Is still the value all must seek.
From rude, relentless tellings flow
Compiling all that's light and dark
Combined to tell us what can be known
And leave us naked, revealed and stark.
Confronting what we feared to know
Because we always knew it so.
100.Closing Doors
The click of doors that mark the end
To patience used, again, again.
Remind the lingered soul of lies
That truth demands what love denies.
The whispered sound of oiled hinge
Remands attention - and may condemn
The soul that hesitates to speak
The pain that sears the core and keep.
For love is just a tool of hate
If forgiveness comes without rebate.
Amendment, truth and justice speak
The tongues of honor, true and deep.
And Love still lingers, sighs and grieves
Orphaned by the Truth that frees.
101. Beautiful Words
Fill the emptiness of hearts
That misspeak the forms of what is not.
Remind of soul of life made rules
That echo forms of self renewal.
They touch the threads of thought within
Redefine the course of time
Subsume the magic halls of vanished praise
That spoke out rhythmed voice divine.
In beauty words remake our world
And longing lingers as tongue tasting curls
Subscribed by mind on velvet pearls.
102. Unplumbed Depths
I plumb the depths of unowned time
disowning thoughts that made you mine
Scant the rapture, great the costs
that formed the magnitudes of loss.
Empowered wonders course and keep
the idled plunders love once reaped
As fickle fates remove all doubts
that intellect can quench our droughts.
Unplumbed depths of harbored dreams
that make all Mankind proof from schemes
That sunder generations gone
from sight of life that hoped and longed.
In minds that wondered, echoed hopes
from kinds that plundered harvest's scopes
The present pause of silence comes
unending futures just begun.
This the thought that bridles, wields
the only pleasures the future yields.
103. To Remake Hope
Remade from what was lost and gone
Reformed in fire that burned out grief
I, the only form of thought
Remind myself and breathe in peace.
From process born, in process held
Inside the cusp of time and space
I, the only form of thought
Rethink foundations touched by grace.
In convoluted, managed course
The sides unseen release their hold
I, the only form of thought
Believe the gleam, untarnished gold.
To hope, to see, to live through lies
Saying 'No!' to wrong made greeds
I, the only form of thought
Stay true to life that makes men free
I, the only form of thought
Smile at what ideas have wrought.
104. Inside Moment
Inside the now of moment, the hands of age embrace
Forgotten threads unravel fate as echoed hopes devolve and make

The edged course of hallowed thought

the main stream culture acceptance wrought
Inside the now of moment, the tears of loss are dry
And only vanished memory, relieves the knowledged, Why.

The envelope of courage that reveals what now is not

anticipates the promise that lives in new-made thought.
Inside the now of moment, the smiles, arid, cool
And passions need borne churning, retakes the course of rules.

The manuscript of the coming, contends with all that is

and graven image honing, the thought becomes what lives.
Inside the now of moment, the crystal facets sheer
Untouched by times own flowing, still leaving us more free

The fractures past is healing; the ravished souls can grieve

and human kind's left owning the air that lets them breathe.
105. Segmented Charms
Segmented lives that cut off hope, defining what is not to be
Segmented moments strung in time

That charms with what we'll never see.
Editing the person’s life, restores some semblance of ease
But editing rips the truth of life

making moments each less free.
Constrictions in the gut of truth, cut the scope of future's course
And such restriction eats out hearts

That labor under facts divorce.
Thus the charms of what we wish
estranged from what we've made life be
Serves a polluted, tainted dish
from which the savor must be grief.
Segmented lives that lie, deceive
The one who fed on poisoned greeds.
106. Comment on Employment
I joust with dragons of the mind
and weave a web of rare design.
I winnow through the time torn shells
of fractured lies that kill, repel
I summon courage to move on,
I bury grief, discourse in songs.
I cradle what can never be,
enshrouding what I will not see.
I live and breathe and weep for joy
because such courage is employed
And ravished by the loss of youth
I give myself the heart of truth.
Destroyed, the future can rebuild,
if falsehood's lie is forced to yield.
This, I do, inciting thought
that unrelieved still quenches drought.
This, I do, unending chore
that leaves the world alight for more.
107. The Sacred
From destined thought that killed out hope
removed from love and quenched in blood
The fortressed place that closed my throat
now opens to the promised flood.
The Sacred
Spilling out in furrowed runes
reformulating time and space
The echoes from those time lost tunes
refound the base that was disgrace.
The Sacred
Sated now with gifts of years and lives
restarting vanished themes denied
Alive with wit that sees through lies
We move within the truth of tides
The Sacred
Here, in place of heart songs joy
The Sacred Point of Light deploys.
108. Vanished Dreams
From eyes that smiled through my soul
divining all that in me moved
I pledged the richness of my goals
giving life that love be proved.
A vanished dream
From warmth enclosing breath and hope
I prayed the always place in time
Thinking, here, was all the scope
that soul and thought, when linked, can find
A vanished dream
Stricken, lost, abused and crushed
I died within the folds of fraud
Ruptured by his needs and lusts
I, renewed, found eyes that saw.
A vanished dream, renewed and won
From minds that rend, consume and take
Singled course just now begun
that carry me past the storms to wake
A vanished dream, reminded life
That cleanses me of soul borne strife.
109. Demons
They feed on minds that sunk in greeds
remake the course of life bred needs
They fester, suck, consume, extend
their grasp on shadows just to win.
Remaking truth and bending thoughts
rejecting what their lives have wrought
Their appetites for what’s not theirs
Distorts our lives and breeds despair.
We meet them every day in trust
and cheek and jowl, we feed their lusts
Because we fail to pierce facades
that hide the face that negates Gods.
Maws of hungers, feeding sharks
afraid of life and death's true marks
Among us demons live their lives
in ordinary, day worn guise
Look deep, remember, words and acts
to see the demons through living facts.
110. Questions Posed
Circumference of unspoken thoughts,
unmeasured voice of futured dreams
This, the vision we have lost
consumed by greeds that take and scheme.
Questions take us to the void
where echoes of the past remain
Questions ask what truth deploys
and draw us back to what is sane.
I posed the question, formed the thoughts
that teemed with tidings of Man's needs
And summoned thus the forces caught
within the mind of patterned seeds
I asked the questions time has forged
devised agendas fraught with toil
But all there written was employed
by unexpected, unseen coils.
I posed the questions, aching, small
I saw the limits of my mind
I tasted death and bitter gall
subsumed within the breadth of time.
I posed the questions, bowed my head
And listened with the peace of dread.
111. Time's Vessel
Through coiled thoughts that pulse with life;
the echoed origins of space
In dendrilled manner writ most fine
the whispered course refined and traced.
The vessel of unmentioned suns
confines the tiny scope we touch
A journey long as time begun
a blink of thought turned into dust.
Time's Vessel
Enclosed in flesh but living whole
The we in I becomes our goal.
No. 112 To Brent
When light remembers love’s first thought
And echoes cling to what is real
You taste the of edge of pang drenched drought
And enter into times that heal.
Unconsidered and unconscious of the pulsing core of life
The aching needs stripped bare of creeds,
Restore the warmth of light
Love, the balm and bastioned home of human dreams
Remains the source of all life means
Bask in hours, own those thoughts
That unreflected make us Not.
113. Well Owned Thoughts
As breath reminds me life is short
I taste the commentated drone
Cacophony of welcomed hopes
Sing dirges written while alone.
Shadows own my living days
While light speaks lightning bolts through mind
Discoursing with the past-bred hopes
That emptied cradles and bought death’s kinds
I smell the stench of death unbound
I wake to touch the end of time
Embracing such by my design
A lover beckons and reclines.
I live.
Ungladdened by continued needs
I watch the world that cried and breeds.
Unmentioned yesterdays remind
That life is short and never kind.
114. Sweet Taste of Touch
Sweet taste of unrequited touch
that steals my peace and lights my eyes
This day remembers sighs of lust
as untolled sunsets light just one sky.
Another day of restless times
spent richly on another's dreams
Reminds us each that life still binds
two kindred thoughts in wish made themes.
Wrapped in falls of finite nights
a soul bleeds red and knows its days
Limit all of life's delights
and inner peace, alone, still frays.
So messaged greetings course through space.
And fingers still ache for Love's least trace.
For Brent from Melinda
Valentines Day, 2000
115. Flight
In mind borne flight across the void the luminescence trills and keens
Recalling half forgotten sights
That fray the senses, and lend me grief.
Buoyed by airs of surried weavings ranging from cave to neoned dreams
I touch on just those spare delights
Combined in time for moments easing
Flights of mind and flights of thought
Flights that nurture spare redoubts
Flights empowered that remove
The fragiled needs that scream and shout.
In mind and mottled, shadowed gleanings
I lift off Earth and touch through time
Hankering after visions, needings
I recreate the truth of doubts.
In fancied, follied, ode writ tome
I sip ambrosaed hints divine.
Rapted in folded harmonies
I slip between the leaves of time.
116. Heat
Light reveals, distills and makes
Source of life and gives and takes
In Earth borne haven, wrought by time
We, Earth's Children own our crimes
Own the rapture and the grief
Touch the follies; incite belief
Weave the gentle with the steel
forged from all that life makes real
Earth born children, born of light
Given mind from which comes sight.
117. Long Life Full
Life is long and full of leavings
Losings; filling eyes and heart with gentle grievings
No whys remake Time's truth or mask our spare believings

For life is full of makings; future weavings.
Unseen in full borne time
The mask of need remainders human epochs
Rejects the course drawn straight and clear

and writes the life - sublime.
118. Touching
Hands that meet,
caressing touches that awake
Forgotten needs that seed the fragile soul
And resonate.
Manifold the nuanced thoughts
Which linger on the skin
Unbound echoes from the shadows
From a past grown harsh and thin.
Symphony of hand borne sense
That tarries in the fingers

Skin-close and most intense.
Exemplifying life’s fabric, woven thought
That speaks in schemes.
The taste and scent of passion
Takes form in wake of dreams.
A singular remove from lusting
Lighting eyes and mind
That light is also heat and joy
In fingers bindings.
Skin and thought
Soul heavy drought
Eternal yes replaces doubt.
119. Universals
Unbounded life that eddies, swirls and winnows;
bound through time and space
The possible still trembles as it closes on divine.
Lives touch and caught in momentary grace
defining what is made of human place.
Lives that linger in the need to love and hold
Lives poured onward into future lives deployed.
The spirit sojourns, place and face employed
Lending elements of fierce belonging to their joys.
Breath in taken and released
The soul in flight finds light in edged peace.
This, the transubstantiated unalloyed
Remaking universal truths back into toys.
121. The Taste of Words
Punctuated fragments that conceal, reveal and teem
Idylled intellect defined by time that seethes with human goals

Both mind and biologically inclined.
Threads of cognate beauty that employ their nuanced tones
That echo satisfactions, anguished losses and life worn close to bone.

Tiny alphabetic seeds that harbor thought born majesty
I run them through my head, the tongue of mind that savors, tastes
And shivers, aches for all that speaks and yet is not quite said.

Gleam of golden melodies entwined in sharp relief
The building blocks of human history yet to become dreams
I satiate my appetite with wishes intimated, reached, but not quite seen.

And rapture effervesces, coalesces and redeems.
Feast of human summing that recalls forgotten worlds
Inherent unbecomings that unused, remains most real.
122. Song of Steel and Light
Rising from old Earth and shadowed human acts undone
Piercing time
With dreams made into steel

Fulcrum of an age respun

Chaste reminder that all acts are not yet done
Song of steel and light
That breaks the sky and pierces night
Needled majesty that speaks of weavings
Labor, thoughts that throw off grievings
Arch reminder; pause in human thrust through space
You fascinate, reprove and escalate

The tones progressing into time
Act of Human Holding on the Earth
You speak in steel and light
Reminding us of unseen heights
In mind held dreams
You, woven threads of our invention
Shining steel of time’s intention
Remind the eyes of mind
Of the direction most divine.
Held in Body Harbored Dreams
In shadowed mists inside my mind
I dreamed of arms that held me safe from unseen shapes
and threatened acts that seared and killed;
rended hope and scored the scope of all I held to be divine.
And life did not redeem by acts
The shadowed mists were true to facts.
Distorted, raped and battered, destroyed by unseen hands
My weavings interrupted and my life’s pulse stolen, maimed.
I abandoned thoughts; that harbored place.
Where two were one within embrace.
I watched it die.
And shrugged because the dream had lied.
Bitter breath that stills all hope in battle tarnished death.
I found thin sustenance, a gruelled life
Dedicated thought that bore the hope of visioned future for other lives
time brought.
And peace.
That unnecessitated hope needs no outlet left to grieve.
I forgot to hope.
And arms found untried scope for skin borne needings.
Celebrated symphony of skin make meetings
Touchings that awake, reward and end the inward keenings.
That birth a new fledged truth with untried meanings
Reward and rapture that reminds, and binds, and sunders all my grievings.
Skin that drinks in touch
My skin relives the bare remembrance of touch
Oh, needed breath
that staves off death
Reproves my doubts and

Moves the route of time.
Echoes that recede through shadowed hopes to border on the true divine
A memory that steals through unthought passage

To redefine the most prosaic adage
My skin drinks him.
Hands remember other facets of a past now lost in eon echoed silence
The Ninivah of passioned climates that, unmentioned, still defines.
And skin.
That organed place of memory that leafs through fragmentary grace
To sanction all the cullings drawn from elemental comings
In unreflected folds, each monumental
from the unheard chords of space.
125. Barren Thought
Acid grievings cry amends to time lost weavings
Fractured echoes that subside
In frayed and still born memories that still abide.
The stuff of dreams
Lost in circumvented plans that failed to be redeemed.
From that place of wandered wishes, closely held with hints of steam
Barren thoughts
Reproving what is not to be
In nods to hopes reborn in trust
An endless scene of circumvented majesty.
Punctuated Truth
In pricked reminders trapped in hopes and dreams
The magnitudes of unfound thoughts redeem
The folds of spare made truths
Transforming wishes into raddled schemes.
Familiar Pain
Illusions winnow time to shallowed slips of lifeless days
Lost in schemes of gaunt dismay. More real than skin or hope.
The bones of scarce belief that fracture what we can’t evade.
Illusions lie their way into a core futured thought
Denying what can never be and what therefore is not.
Pain that digs and dies with rosy glints of morning light
Embracing echoes of delight.
That evades my grasp and tickles through the mention of untasted nights.
Admitting no remaindering of gain.
And finding no surcease of that couch owned friend of deaths delay.
Pain that eats the best of me and grants only delay.